C-PLATFORM × 阿芙·凡·艾森
展览开幕:2017年10月28日 星期六 15:30
展览时间:2017年10月28日 - 2017年11月17日
展览地点:C-PLATFORM(厦门市 思明区 望海路47号之一201)
© Matthijs heins
Cleaning pattern #13 / Tania pimenova / 2017
where is the grasshopper
A walk through nature to design
C-PLATFORM × Aaf van Essen
Opening: 15:30, 28 October 2017
Duration: 28 October 2017 - 17 November 2017
Venue: C-PLATFORM ( Suite 201, 47 WangHai Road, Xiamen, China )
The exhibition is customized for children aged 6 to 100 years old.
Kids are collectors, they collect nearly everything-shells, stones, bird nests, dinosaurs etc. The exhibited objects are mostly from the private collection of Ms. Aaf van Essen which are based on man, nature and man-made objects. It inspires us to associate objects with shapes, patterns, textile, sound, performance, fashion and film etc. Visitors are encouraged to make their own tours, follow different lines, and enjoy the discovery of a new world of art and design through specific path.
mini wood puzzle, design by Kikkerland
postcard, design by Dick Bruna
house of cards, design by Eames
展出作品版权(图像/ 声音/ 文字)归属原作者或相关机构与个人所有。
The exhibited objects are mostly from the private collection of Ms. Aaf van Essen;
The copyright of the works ( images/ sound/ text etc. ) belongs to the original author and related institutions and individuals.
机构开放时间:每周二至周六 10:00AM-17:00PM
C-PLATFORM Open Hours:Tue.-Sat. 10:00AM-17:00PM
Exhibition Free Admission, Children must be accompanied by parents
Aaf van Essen
Currently lives in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam and stayed to teach. Later worked as a Director of Sandberg Institute Design Department, Amsterdam. She was guest teacher of Art and Design Department of Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College since 2012. She worked with different institutions to curate and organize international cultural exchange programs in the Netherlands and China.
C-PLATFORM is a non-profit cultural research and curatorial organization located in Xiamen, China. The organization works at the intersection of Art, Design and Technology, focusing on current trends and future concepts in the realm of mixed media. In addition to periodical research subjects and issues it has conducted a series of explorations and related practices. This has been achieved by launching and curating comprehensive research projects and activities which are inter-disciplinary, inter-media and inter-sensory. It attempts to establish an interactive exchange platform that continuously releases creative energy and cultural transformation across the boundaries of content production and communication, public awareness and experience.
快讯 | DPA促成太尔科技与红点获奖设计机构Noto签约,携手改变人类听音方式